Self-published photo/art book
Offset printed in the USA in august 2019
204 pages / 19 x 24cm
Soft recycled paper cover
Ships for free worldwide within 1-5 days
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Also available at:
Librairie Yvon Lambert - Paris
Fringe - Paris
Agogogang - Paris
Librairie Filigranes - Bruxelles
L’inaperçu Art Bookstore - Paris
Normal Objects - Online
Fragile フラジャイル 大阪 - Osaka
다이브인 Dive In - Seoul
The Pop-Hop Books & Prints - Los Angeles
Steep LA - Los Angeles
Triniti - Los Angeles
Santa Josephina - Los Angeles
Reykjavík Roasters - Reykjavík
Mengi - Reykjavík
Kaffi Ó-le - Reykjavík
Fjord Concept Store - Akureyri
︎ For the foreseeable future, 100% of book sales will be donated respectively to UNHCR + UNICEF